Monday, August 6, 2018

Aloha to Nancy Lee Badger and HEAVEN-SENT WARRIOR - With Giveaway!

Asleep inside a bronze statue, a naked Frenchman wakes a century later to save a half-Fae art museum curator from a demon bent on ruling our present-day world.

That’s just a small part of who Henrí Chevalier is. My reluctant hero in Heaven-sent Warrior had a crude upbringing in Paris, France during the 19th century. Well before he appeared naked one night on the grounds of a present-day art museum, and before becoming a model for the sculptor Auguste Rodin, he fought in the Franco-Prussian war in 1870 at age 16.

As a farmhand on his uncle’s farm, he was caught behind barricades while delivering goods to a Paris marketplace. He took up arms during a brutal siege now referred to as the War of 1870, which lasted 10 days. Henrí had no idea that on July 16 1870 the French parliament would vote to declare war on the German Kingdom of Prussia. He had carried a Chassepot rifle, a bolt-action military breech-loading rifle. He said he had little choice but to take up arms and fight. He told Kenzie “We lost, but my appearance saved me.” She asked why, and he shared that they took him for a young lad and sent him back to his uncle’s farm. He added “At sixteen, I was pathetically small for my age.” In my story, Henrí has to force memories of death, blood, and needless carnage back inside the dark place in his mind. 

Henrí Chevalier's last memory, before stumbling naked into a museum’s moonlit garden, was Auguste Rodin and his dusty Paris studio in 1886. To escape his broken heart, Henrí volunteered to sleep inside a statue until needed. Expecting to die, he discovers he must learn to use the unexpected powers Heaven has given him. Without them he will fail his mission against otherworldly creatures, such as demons and faeries.

Kenzie Mackintosh, a dedicated art museum's curator, spies a naked man hiding among the bronze statues. A quick glance ignites desire within her, but she is too tied-up in work to act on it. Unaware of her fae heritage, their relationship heats up as he disrupts her job. While Henrí tries to process modern buildings, cars, and a broken elevator, a demon attacks and forces Henrí and Kenzie to enlist the aid of her powerful fae relatives. When the demon possesses the body of her ex-lover and threatens to kill him, then use her to take over the world, Henrí and Kenzie must learn to trust each other, even if Kenzie’s death might be the only answer to the world’s salvation.

Buy links.

Image result for NANCY LEE BADGER

Nancy Lee Badger grew up in Huntington on New York’s Long Island. After attending Plymouth State in New Hampshire, she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Art Education and met and married her college sweetheart. They raised two handsome sons and when the children had left the nest, and shoveling show became a chore, she retired from her satisfying job as a 9-1-1 Emergency Medical Dispatcher and moved with her husband to North Carolina, where she writes full-time.

Nancy is a member of Romance Writers of America, Heart of Carolina Romance Writers, Fantasy-Futuristic & Paranormal Romance Writers, and the Triangle Association of Freelancers. She loves to travel and attend Scottish Highland Games and is never far from her laptop. She finds story ideas in the most unusual places.

Connect with Nancy Lee Badger 

From Nancy ...

I am the daughter of a 93 year old Navy veteran (Hi, Dad!) and the mother of a veteran Army drill sergeant. Leave a comment telling us which branch of the military you admire for a chance to win an ebook of HEAVEN-SENT WARRIOR.

Thank you, Nancy, for your support of the military!


Kim in Baltimore
Aloha Spirit in Charm City

Nancy offers an except from HEAVEN-SENT WARRIOR ...

A server arrived and poured coffee into two mugs. Kenzie ordered for them both. Henrí stared at the cups. His brows arched in wonder. How strange. “Don’t the French drink coffee?”

He nodded, sipped, and then cried out.

“Merde! It is hotter than the fires of Hell. And bitter.”

“I should have warned you. Blow on it, and try adding sugar.” Kenzie tossed a couple of sugar packets to him. He glared at her and then at the packets. Shaking her head, she ripped one open and dumped the contents into his cup, and passed him a spoon. “Spoon. Stir. Drink.”

Henrí followed her command like a soldier in the field. She recalled how earlier, when first awakening, he seemed to search for his weapon.

“You were in the military?” she asked, watching him sip his sweetened coffee.

“Oui. I grew bored of working my uncle’s farm from dawn to dusk.” Henrí sipped his coffee. His eyes grew unfocused. “I assumed to fight for my country would prove the ultimate test of a man’s courage.”

“What about your family? They must have worried.”

He waved one hand through the air as if the subject meant nothing.

“How could they not care?”

“I had no family besides my uncle. He missed my free labor, but I wanted a different life. A life other than farm chores and stinking beasts. Funny.”

“What’s funny?”

He sipped his coffee before answering. “When the battle started, when I was surrounded by the dead and dying, with shells exploding around me, I missed that stinking little farm.” He laughed, but it didn’t reach his eyes.

Kim's favorite military service ... who were also heaven-sent! 

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Aloha to Laura Trentham and SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE

From award winning author Laura Trentham comes SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE, a novel about starting over, finding your way back home—and falling head over heels. . .

Ella Boudreaux has a lot to prove to her family, friends, and foes—and to herself. So when her marriage ends she decides to invest her energy and money into a place that brings back some of Ella’s happiest memories: the Abbott brothers’ garage. Maybe, if she puts her mind to it, she can teach skeptical, stubborn Mack Abbott how to make the business a true success. Which would be a lot easier if the hunky mechanic didn’t make her motor run quite so fast…and hot.

Mack was furious when his brother, Ford, sold his share of the business. He’s in no rush to team up with a wealthy divorcée who shows up to the garage in stilettos—and the longest, sexiest legs he’s seen in forever. But Ella’s grit and determination won’t quit…and soon Mack can see that she’s been down a few rough roads herself. Neither Mack nor Ella can deny the fierce attraction that’s revving up between them. Could it be that true love has been in the backseat all along…and they’ve finally found the key?

Barnes and Noble

An award-winning author, Laura Trentham was born and raised in a small town in Tennessee. Although, she loved English and reading in high school, she was convinced an English degree equated to starvation. She chose the next most logical major—Chemical Engineering—and worked in a hard hat and steel toed boots for several years.

When not lost in a cozy Southern town or Regency England, she's shuttling kids to soccer, helping with homework, and avoiding the Mt. Everest-sized pile of laundry that is almost as big as the to-be-read pile of books on her nightstand. 


Laura is hosting a giveaway at this link .... and offers an excerpt from SET THE NIGHT ON FIRE:

“How the—” Mack caught the curse in his hand. “You’re not a mechanic, Ms. Boudreaux.”

“Call me Ella.” At his stony stare, she shrugged and continued. “You don’t need another mechanic. You have plenty of mechanics. What you need is someone to market you.”

“And you know enough about cars to do that?” His skepticism hit her like a kid pulling her pigtails behind the monkey bars. Annoying.

She shouldn’t rise to the bait. Unfortunately, her mouth was less mature than her mind, and she reeled off facts her brother had recited with pride.

“That Datsun 240Z you were under? It’s a seventy-three with a 2.4-liter straight-six and side-draft carburetors. It can hit sixty in 8.2 seconds with 151 horsepower. Top speed is a hundred twenty-five miles per hour. Not that anyone should be driving that fast on parish roads.”

He looked . . . stunned. She confined herself to a small self-satisfied smile. She had a feeling nothing much surprised Mack Abbott, or if it did, he made sure the world didn’t realize it.

“How did you . . . How do you know all that?”

“That’s not important. What is important is that I can help you.”

“We don’t need help.” He shook his head and re-chinked the breaks in his wall of grump.

“Yes, you do.”

“No, we don’t.” The playground-level annoyance continued with his childish denials.

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes, probably not helping to diffuse the situation.

“Name your price.”

“That’s not how this is going to work, Mack.”

“I say how things are run and done in this garage. Not you, Ms. Boudreaux.”

“I have a quarter stake and an equal voice.”

“Except, we handle things democratically around here and my brothers will have my back. Every. Single. Time.”

Dangit. He had her there. Pushing against Mack was like trying to move a mountain. She glanced at the twins. If she couldn’t move Mack, then she’d have to go around him. She wanted to stalk out and slam the door, but forced herself to mosey as if she wasn’t bothered at all by the situation or the man. He followed her to the door. She stopped with one foot out and one in. The breeze caught her hair, and she tossed her head to get it out of her eyes.

“You might vote me down, but at least give me a chance to be heard.”

“Name your price,” he repeated in a growly, grizzly voice that was meant to grind down her dissension.

Where she found the gumption she didn’t know, but she gave his cheek two pats and said, “You can’t afford me, tough guy.”


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Aloha to Diane Kelly and THE LONG PAW OF THE LAW (Paw Enforcement Book 7) - ARC Review


Texas police officer Megan Luz and her K-9 partner Brigit have come a long way, baby.


One night, while on duty with her four-legged crime-fighting companion, Meg gets an urgent call from her boyfriend Seth, who works for the Fort Worth fire department. A baby girl has turned up at the station with only two clues to her identity: One is a peace-sign symbol stitched into her blanket. The other is a word, written in string: help.

Megan follows every loose thread and, along with Brigit, ends up on a twisted path that leads to the People of Peace compound, the site of a religious sect on the outskirts of the city. Its leader, Father Emmanuel, keeps his followers on a short leash—and his enemies even closer. Could this be the abandoned baby’s original home? And if so, why was she cast out? Now that Megan and Brigit are on the case, the secrets of this reclusive cult are bound to be dug up. . .

Diane Kelly is back with The Long Paw of the Law, the seventh installment in her drool-worthy Paw Enforcement series.

Fort Worth Police K-9 (link)

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. - Buddha

Fort Worth Police Officer Megan Luz and her shelter dog-turned-canine partner, Brigit, returns in the seventh book of  the Paw Enforcement series from St. Martin's Press.  Kelly's unique story telling creates a new sub genre that falls somewhere between cozy mystery and romantic suspense.  Megan tackles "ripped from the headlines" crime while juggling a budding romance with Seth, an explosive expert with the Fort Worth Fire Department.  BTW, Seth's K9 parenter, Blast, is the Beta dog to Brigit's Alpha Dog - who doesn't love it when the tables are turned?

The book blurb is an accurate recap of the action in THE LONG PAW OF THE LAW.  Rather than share how Megan discovers the truth with Divine Intervention, I would like to focus this review on how Kelly has created a "I can't put this down" story.  She rotates the POV in each chapter - Megan's first person POV, Brigit's third person POV (mostly focused on food), and the villain's third person's POV.  This method gave me a wider perspective of the action on the page.  Indeed, I read this book within 48 hours because I wanted to know there was a happy ending.  Just remember, Kelly is a romance author. 

Kelly treated readers to a subplot regarding ongoing petty crime in an affluent neighborhood - kudos to Megan for thinking outside the box to solve it!  Likewise, I learned more about Seth's cranky grandfather, Vietnam Veterans, car shows, and roller derby.  These "extras" further contribute to the "community feeling" that shines through the entire series.  Meg has a talent to solve crime, putting her on track to become a detective. But Kelly's subtle references to American life - fulfilling and challenging - creates a heartwarming read that makes me root for the multicultural characters in her books. 

THE LONG PAW OF THE LAW can be read as a stand alone book.  Yet I recommend reading the series in order to follow how Megan matures as an officer and catches the eye of Seth.  

I received an ARC of THE LONG PAW OF THE LAW from Kelly at the RWA Annual Convention in Denver.  The book is available October 30, 2018 from St. Martin's Press.

Miramont Castle
Manitou Springs Historical Society (link)

I have RWA swag for one randomly selected commenter.  To enter the giveaway,

1.  Leave a comment about dogs - do you have a favorite breed? color? name?
While I am a cat servant (as is Megan's roommate, Frankie), I enjoy meeting dogs out and about.  We spotted numerous dogs in Colorado Springs during our preconference sightseeing, including Chuck at the Miramont Castle.  Above is a vintage image of the castle.

2.  Comments are open through Sunday, August 5, 10 pm in Baltimore.

3.  I'll post the winner on Monday, August 6.


Kim in Baltimore
Aloha Spirit in Charm City



Friday, July 27, 2018

Aloha to Diana Lloyd and HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BARON - Blog Tour

When Elsinore Cosgrove escapes a ballroom in search of adventure, she has no idea it will lead to a hasty marriage. The youngest daughter of a duke, all she wants is to make her own choices. Now she's engaged to an infuriating, handsome Scottish baron who doesn't even know her name! Using all her feminine wiles, along with advice gleaned from a training guide for hunting hounds, Elsinore is determined to mold her baron into the husband she wants.

Quin Graham is a man with many secrets. If another scandal can be avoided with a sham marriage, so be it. Only his fiancée isn't at all what he's expecting, and the clumsy, curious, and clever Elsinore refuses to be set aside. For reasons he's unwilling to explain, the last thing Quin needs is to fall for his wife.

Diana Lloyd, mother of gingers, first of her name, is a stay-at-home wife, a hockey mom, and writer of stories with kissing in them. Diana defends her writing time like a rabid goalie while simultaneously volunteering for things she doesn’t really have time for. Diana is a member of Hearts Through History chapter of Romance Writers of America and was a 2017 RWA Golden Heart Finalist. Her Regency romp, HOW TO TRAIN YOUR BARON, the first book in the “What Happens In the Ballroom” series, is scheduled for publication in July 2018. Connect with Diana on Twitter at @DianaLloydBooks, or give her a shout-out on Facebook at

Learn more about Diana and her books at  

Check out links for book reviews and the blog tour giveaway at this link.


Thursday, July 26, 2018

Aloha to Heidi Betts and ONE WEDDING, TWO BRIDES - Blog Tour

Jilted bride Monica Blair can’t believe it when she wakes up next to a blue-eyed, smooth-talking cowboy in the middle of nowhere and with a ring on her finger. It had sounded like a great plan at the time. Get married, get revenge, and get her money back. So why is she cleaning out stables and trying to keep her hands off the hot cowboy helping her?

Ryder Nash would have bet his best Stetson that you’d never see him walk down the aisle. But when the city girl with pink-streaked hair and a frog tattoo hatches a plan to expose the conman who married his sister, no idea is too crazy. And even though Monica might be the worst rancher’s wife he’s ever seen, he can’t stop thinking about the wedding night they never had.

What was supposed to be a temporary marriage for revenge is starting to feel a little too real...

An avid romance reader since junior high, USA Todaybestselling author Heidi Betts knew very early on that she wanted to write these wonderful stories of love and adventure. It wasn’t until her freshman year of college, however, when she spent the entire night reading a romance novel instead of studying for finals, that she decided to take the road less traveled and follow her dream.

Soon after joining Romance Writers of America, Heidi’s writing began to garner attention, including placing in the esteemed Golden Heart competition three years in a row. The recipient of numerous awards and stellar reviews, Heidi’s books combine believable characters with compelling plotlines, and are consistently described as “delightful,” “sizzling,” and “wonderfully witty.”

Learn more about Heidi and her books at

Check out links to book review and blog tour giveaway at this link


Monday, July 9, 2018

Aloha to L.E. Rico and MISCHIEF AND MAYHEM - Release Day Blast

Welcome to Mayhem, Minnesota, home of the Knitty Kitty, The Little Slice of Heaven Pie Shop, and O’Halloran’s Pub—owned by the four young women known as The Whiskey Sisters.

In the wake of her divorce, Jameson O’Halloran has gone man-vegan. And this is one diet she’s determined to stick with. Even when her long-lost ex-brother-in-law shows up looking like two scoops of double dutch dipped in chocolate… She’s not giving in. Been there and still wearing the messy T-shirt.

It’s been a decade since Scott Clarke left his family and his hometown, never to return. But when tragedy strikes, he finds himself dragged back to the land of gossip, judgment, and the one woman he absolutely, positively, without a doubt can never have. His brother’s ex is off-limits. He just needs to keep repeating that to himself until it sinks in.


Gracie Award-Winning radio host Lauren Rico is one of the top classical music broadcasters in the country. Her voice is heard nationally on SiriusXM’s Symphony Hall channel, as well as on radio stations in New York City, Charlotte, and Tampa. She’s even been known to accompany travelers as they fly the skies over Thailand, Oman, and China as part of the in-flight entertainment on several airlines. Her love and passion for classical music have allowed her to breathe new life into the stories of the great composers.

And now Lauren is telling some stories of her own…

Lauren hopes to bring classical music to a new audience by showcasing it in twisty, steamy stories that grab the reader and keep them turning pages — and YouTubing the music — into the wee hours.

When she’s not on talking on the radio or typing on her laptop, Lauren enjoys time with her husband and spectacularly spoiled mini-schnauzer.


Friday, June 29, 2018

Aloha to Alison Bliss and LAW OF ATTRACTION (Tangled in Texas Book 3) - Blog Tour with Giveaway

For single mom Bobbie Jo Weston, finding a husband is not on her to-do list. She's focused on turning a run-down chicken farm into a Bed & Breakfast. She agrees to let a friend’s nephew stay with her in exchange for his handyman skills, but she wasn’t counting on the super sexy Seth Landry being that guy.

Seth has a special skill-set, all right, but it has nothing to do with hammering nails. As a retired member of The Resistance—an elite group of ex-military soldiers—his dark, unsettling past haunts him. He needs a place to lay low, and an out-of-the-way B&B is nothing short of perfect. The blonde beauty doesn’t trust men, and he doesn't plan on sticking around long enough to change her mind.

The closer they get, the more they can't seem to keep their hands off each other. And while Bobbie holds on to her fear of watching another man walk out of their lives, Seth's mere presence has put them all in jeopardy. The only way to ever be free of his dangerous past is for him to accept one last mission... 


Alison Bliss is a best-selling, award-winning author of humorous, contemporary romances. A born and raised Texan, she currently resides in the Midwest with her husband, two kids, and their dogs. As the youngest of five girls, she has never turned down a challenge or been called by the right name. Alison believes the best way to find out if someone is your soul mate is by canoeing with them because if you both make it back alive, it's obviously meant to be. She writes the type of books she loves to read most: fun, steamy love stories with heart, heat, and laughter. Something she likes to call, "Romance...with a sense of humor." 

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Aloha to Sofie Darling and TEMPTED BY THE VISCOUNT - Blog Tour with Giveaway!

Let's travel back to London, April 1825 ....

Lord Jakob Radclyffe left his past behind in the Far East. Or so he thinks until a ruthless thief surfaces in London, threatening to ruin his daughter’s reputation. With the clock ticking, Jake needs the scandalous Lady Olivia Montfort’s connections in the art world to protect his daughter’s future.

Olivia, too, has a past she’d like to escape. By purchasing her very own Mayfair townhouse, she’ll be able to start a new life independent from all men. There’s one problem: she needs a powerful man’s name to do so. The Viscount St. Alban is the perfect name.

A bargain is struck.

What Olivia doesn’t anticipate is the temptation of the viscount. The undeniable spark of awareness that races between them undermines her vow to leave love behind. Soon, she has no choice but to rid her system of Jake by surrendering to her craving for a single scorching encounter.

But is once enough? Sometimes once only stokes the flame of desire higher and hotter. And sometimes once is all the heart needs to risk all and follow a mad passion wherever it may lead. 


Sofie Darling is an award-winning author of historical romance. Her debut novel, THREE LESSONS IN SEDUCTION, won the Writers’ League of Texas’ Manuscript Contest in the Romance Category in 2016.

She spent much of her twenties raising two boys and reading every book she could get her hands on. Once she realized she simply had to write the books she loved, she finished her English degree and embarked on her writing career. Mr. Darling and the boys gave her their wholehearted blessing.

When she’s not writing heroes who make her swoon, she runs a marathon in a different state every year, visits crumbling medieval castles whenever she gets a chance, and enjoys a slightly codependent relationship with her beagle, Bosco. 

Aloha to Eve Pendle and SIX WEEKS WITH A LORD - Blog Tour with Giveaway

Grace Alnott is out of time. To save her younger brother from an abusive guardian, her merchant father’s will demands she must marry a peer. Handsome but destitute Everett Hetherington, Earl of Westbury agrees to her offer of a marriage of convenience but stipulates she must live with him for six weeks. No matter how honorable he seems she can’t allow him to get too close, because the aristocracy cannot be trusted.

Six weeks. Major Everett Hetherington, new Earl of Westbury, has exactly six weeks to convince the very independent Grace Alnott to spend the rest of her life with him. Despite her belief she doesn't belong in his world, he must tempt the alluring Grace into staying, because he has fallen for her. Hard. He just has to ensure she never discovers his secret. 


Eve lives in England and writes angsty, snarky and passionate Victorian era romance. She has National Trust membership, a big-boned cat, and a crazy dog. She loves wearing dresses and eating chocolate.

What's not to love about cats, chocolate, and the National Trust?!?!  

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Aloha to Emha Goliesh and JUNE 9TH from Includas Publishing - Let us celebrate diversity!


We support Diversity here at SOS Aloha!  Please join me is supporting Emha Goliesh in celebrating her  debut romance novel from her Untouch Me series from INCLUDAS Publishing. 

Lacey Shyver has always rolled through life in a perfect straight line. Until an unexpected twist in romance and fate sets her on a path that swerves in every direction but forward.

Lacey Shyver has never been interested in love or romance. That’s because science, school, and career have been the most important in Lacey’s life. That is, until one simple touch from drummer, Blake Nivey, opens her up to things she never knew existed. But every reward has a risk and every pleasure has a sacrifice. Not only does this new territory test Lacey’s loyalty to a relationship and to her education, she also gets haunted by something she can’t understand. Whether her fears have anything to do with her being in a wheelchair or not, that is something Lacey must find out for herself before it’s too late. Because once June 9th begins, it never ends.

When I was nine years-old, I was sure I’d be a math teacher. That lasted until I got to middle school, where I realized that that wasn’t in the numbers for me. From there, I fantasized about being an actress. That lasted until high school, where I realized that sticking to a script wasn’t my thing—I wanted to take the characters on their own journeys and adventures. But somewhere between high school and the days of college graduation, I got lost in the pressures of reality. It wasn’t until I took a step back to evaluate my life when I realized I wanted to embrace my true self. To go back to the days of a six year-old kid who hid under a desk, writing about life in a little blue and pink journal. I couldn’t believe it took me so long to fall back into my happy place. Yet, I wouldn’t have had it any other way, because if after twenty years of exploring life, I still ached to create stories, then it must had been true love.

Emha is sponsoring a giveaway at this link.

Look for the next book in the series in the fall .... and learn more about INCLUDAS Publishing at this link.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Aloha to Kira Archer and SCOTLAND OR BUST - Release Day Blast

Who doesn't want to runaway to Scotland?!?! - Kim

After dumping her boyfriend, Nicole Franklin impulsively jumps on a plane and heads to Europe. Sure, money and a job would have been nice to line up first. Even a visa, for that matter. So now she has to play tour guide at an Outlander experience for the most obnoxious man on the planet. Until she stumbles into the wrong bed in the middle of the night and wakes up in Harrison’s arms. Now his family thinks they’re engaged, and the entire village is betting on how long before she’ll be running for the hills. 

Harrison Troy has a reputation in the town for burning through assistants. And the bubbly new one he’s just hired is likely no different. But his family quickly has them “engaged.” He should be upset, but she’s the perfect buffer for his interfering family. She says she doesn’t need another man in her life--even if he comes with a castle--and that’s fine with him. So why can’t he stop thinking about the woman who is charming everyone in the town, and maybe even him?



Kira Archer resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, two kiddos, and far too many animals in the house. She tends to laugh at inappropriate moments, break all the rules she gives her kids (but only when they aren't looking), and would rather be reading a book than doing almost anything else. She has odd, eclectic tastes in just about everything and often lets her imagination run away with her. She loves her romances a little playful, a lot sexy, and always with a happily ever after.

And from her website,

Filming on the Hallmark movie based on my novel Truly, Madly, Sweetly is finished and is now in post-production! The film will star the fabulous Dylan Neal and Nikki DeLoach and will release this October. Stay tuned for more info!!

(I happen to be watching a Hallmark Movie as I prepare this post ... how exciting!) 

Other books by Kira ....


Thursday, May 31, 2018

Aloha to Lexi Post and ON HIGHLAND TIME - Blog Tour with Giveaway

For fans of sexy Scottish Highlanders who know how to treat a woman like a lady. 

When someone changes history, affecting the future, Diana Montgomery, the most experienced agent of Time Weavers, Inc., travels back to 1306 Scotland to change it back. Her mission, to find the culprit and ensure a minor clan chief dies in battle as he originally had.

Diana is well-prepared to infiltrate the small MacPherson clan. What she’s not prepared for is Torr MacPherson, the ruggedly handsome warrior with a kind heart and a steadfast loyalty—the Laird she’s supposed to ensure dies.


Lexi Post is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author of romance inspired by the classics. She spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about the classical literature she loved. From Edgar Allan Poe's short story “The Masque of the Red Death” to Tolstoy’s War and Peace, she's read, studied, and taught wonderful classics.

But Lexi's first love is romance novels. In an effort to marry her two first loves, she started writing romance inspired by the classics and found she loved it. From hot paranormals to sizzling cowboys to hunks from out of this world, Lexi provides a sensuous experience with a “whole lotta story.”

Lexi is living her own happily ever after with her husband and her cat in Florida. She makes her own ice cream every weekend, loves bright colors, and you will never see her without a hat.

Lexi offers an excerpt from ON HIGHLAND TIME ... 

Torr took her reaction in stride and began a tender assault on her neck.

She pushed against him, and he allowed her a little space. She was grateful because despite her training, she doubted she could do much to take down such a huge man, especially if she didn’t want to hurt him. But he kept his arms about her waist.

“What is it, lass?”

It was everything. She wanted to cry and laugh at the impossible situation she found herself in, even as her body shivered with a growing need. She simply shook her head and tried to step back, but he held her with gentle strength.

Didn’t he understand? She needed to put more space between them, in so many ways. Her breaths came quickly, her body flushed from the desire he’d ignited. A desire she never remembered experiencing before. She closed her eyes and tried to think of the rolling mountains beyond the castle walls, but they faded quickly and instead she envisioned Torr, cupping her breasts.

She snapped open her eyes to find him staring at her, a crooked grin on his face.

“I want ye, Diana. Ye have a fire in ye that calls me like the spring sun to the seedling.”

Oh, Shakespeare, now he was a poet, too? She couldn’t do this. He was due to die… She had to find the Disruptor… She had to—

His deep voice soothed her. “I understand. Life here at Gealach is new and strange, and I have possibly presumed too much, too soon. “Ye miss yer clan, do ye not?”

She didn’t say anything. His kindness causing a lump to form in her throat. His warm, big body so close to hers with the scent of leather and the clean smell from his bath was so primitively male, he had her feeling safe, protected.

He pulled her body against his again. Instead of feeling physical attraction, she wanted to simply snuggle in. Hesitantly, she let her head fall against his shoulder.

As they stood there, his chest rising and falling in steady rhythm beneath her cheek, memories of her dad doing the same calmed her. When she’d done poorly on a test, not made the volleyball team, or when she was dumped by her first boyfriend in ninth grade, dad had held her just like this. Torr would make a good father…except he was destined to die.

She stiffened. Did Torr have any children after the Disruptor saved him? He deserved children.

He reacted to her body language and stroked her back. “I know it is hard. I too have lost many of my family.”

She pulled back to look at his face, anxious to hear what he’d reveal.

“Unlike ye, I didn’t know my mother. She died shortly after Kerr was born. Five sons took too much out of her. But my brothers and my father made a family.”

She put her hand on his chest, feeling the sadness behind his words. This man deserved comfort more than she did. He had endured so much, and yet still offered more to others.

He covered her hand with his and sighed. “The war has taken all but Kerr from me. Him and the few left in our wee clan. I’m glad ye joined us. I hope ye will eventually feel this is yer home.” His inner sadness called to her in a different way from his persuasive sexual advances. In that moment, he touched her heart.

“I’m sure I will. It is the only home I have now.” She grimaced inside at such a bald-faced lie.