Annie Seaton is celebrating the release of HER OUTBACK COWBOY, Book 1 in her Pickle Creek series ...
After an engineering degree and working in the mines of Western Australia, Garth has returned to the Outback and is home to stay. His goal is to settle down, start a family, and work his beloved land with the girl he’s always loved. But if it comes to Lucy choosing between the glamour of the city or making a home with him in the Outback—he’d lose, hands down.
The small copse of trees where they’d both lost their virginity one warm winter afternoon still stood in the middle of the wheat paddock. For a few weeks afterwards, he’d expected to see her grandfather arriving with a shotgun because they’d used no protection. Condoms weren’t something he’d carried when he’d been fencing back in those teenage years. He grinned; it had been a good lesson for an eighteen-year-old boy.
Those lazy afternoons popped into his head as Lucy stood in the water and waded towards him. Her one piece swimsuit clung lovingly to her curves and he let his gaze sweep her length. Her body was more womanly than when she’d been an athletic teenage and her skin was fairer than it had been when she’d lived out here.
But she was still as drop dead gorgeous as ever.
As he kissed her cheek and stepped back he became the subject of her intense scrutiny. Her bright blue eyes held his and her low and husky voice sent a shiver down his spine. “Come on over to the farm for a quick visit.”
He shook his head.” Thank you, but no, not at the moment. Your grandmother wouldn’t be too happy if I rolled into her kitchen.”