I still have a few more tidbits to share about the RWA Conference in Orlando ....
... during the RITA ceremony, RWA played several video clips about friendship:
- Angie Fox awoke the morning of her departure from RWA 2012 to find the clothes she set out the night before were missing. It seems her roommate, Jeannie Lin, packed them in error in her rush to return home. Their third roommate, Shawntelle Madison, suggested Angie fly home in the pink shorts she used as PJs. As Angie walked through the lobby, Patricia Rice spotted her and questioned her sanity. After Angie shared what happened, Patricia called Mary Jo Putney, similar in size to Angie, to lend her some clothes ... hence, the sisterhood of the traveling pants!
- Linda Goodnight shared her family's loss when her son was diagnosed with terminal cancer. During this challenging time, the deadline for the RITA contest passed. Since she did not enter the contest, Linda offered to be a judge in her own category. However, the RWA staff informed her that she was, in fact, entered. An anonymous author contacted RWA to ask if an exception could be made for Linda to be entered after the deadline. RWA responded that an author in that category would have to withdraw ... and an author did. An author also purchased five copies of Linda's books to mail to RWA for the contest judging. To this day, Linda does not know who contacted RWA, withdrew her own submission, and mailed the books.

- Julie Leto was shaken by the events on 9/11, wondering if her job as a writer was worthy in comparison to others who were taking up the charge to serve. Then she received an email from a reader (and future author) Diana Peterfreund who shared her experience on 9/11. Trapped on an airplane circling NYC on that fateful morning, Diana read and reread Julie's book she brought for the flight, bringing her comfort in the chaos. Julie and Diana became friends ... and Julie became Diana's mentor as she embarked on her own path to publishing.
I am giving away a swag pack from RWA17 to four randomly selected commenters from my posts published in the month of August. To enter the giveaway,
1. Have you had to borrow clothes from a friend ... or stranger? Have you nominated a friend for an award? Have you read a book that helped you through a crisis?
In the Netherlands, I nominated my friend Sandy for her countless hours in volunteering at the Thrift Shop at the Army Base in Schinnen. She won "Civilian Volunteer of the Year"!
The Thrift Shop is where I discovered romance ...
2. Comments are open through Thursday, August 31, 10 pm in Baltimore.
3. I'll post the winner on Friday, September 1.
Kim in Baltimore
Aloha Spirit in Charm City

Yes I did borrow a dress to friend......and she never returned it. I have to admit that I lost contact with her years ago.
ReplyDeleteLove all 3 stories. When I was still teaching I nominated many students and fellow teachers for awards.
ReplyDeleteI've never borrowed clothing (books I've lent to many). I have nominated people for certain positions but that was a while ago. I think all books give us some insight but not one in particular.
ReplyDeleteWonderful, Kim! Of course I knew about the traveling pants, being the lender, but not the story of the RITA entry, nor how Julie Leto's book helped keep Diana Peterfreund sane on 9/11. RWA is a true sisterhood.
ReplyDeleteI've borrowed clothes from friends a few times.
ReplyDeleteThere was a time that we arrived but my luggage did not. I did have to borrow clothes until they located my luggage.
ReplyDeleteMy sisters and I often borrowed clothes from each other being so close in age and of similar size. My younger sister lent a brand new outfit I had bought to her friend without my knowledge. I never saw it again. I've nominated people for different awards through the years. What a great sisterhood you all have. Over the stories.
ReplyDeleteCarol Luciano
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
No - Yes - and No. I helped write the nomination of a co-worker for an award - she won & got to go on a lovely trip.
ReplyDeleteI have borrowed clothes from cousins before. My cousin and I sometimes will swap tops or sweaters. I have borrowed out some of my purses too.
ReplyDeleteI have not nominated anyone for anything before.
I have found many of books at thrift shops. You can find some of the best reads. Especially if you want to try something new and don't wanna pay full price for the book. Plus you can find lots of good hardcovers there for lower prices.
christinebails at yahoo dot com