I am flying to Tampa Florida today to help my son pack up his dorm room after his first year of college! Unfortunately, I will miss Laura Lippman speaking at the Columbia library near Wilde Lake ... just a few miles from my house! I am looking froward to reading WILDE LAKE:
Luisa “Lu” Brant is the newly elected—and first female—state’s attorney of Howard County, Maryland, a job in which her widower father famously served. Fiercely intelligent and ambitious, she sees an opportunity to make her name by trying a mentally disturbed drifter accused of beating a woman to death in her home. It’s not the kind of case that makes headlines, but peaceful Howard county doesn’t see many homicides.
As Lu prepares for the trial, the case dredges up painful memories, reminding her small but tight-knit family of the night when her brother, AJ, saved his best friend at the cost of another man’s life. Only eighteen, AJ was cleared by a grand jury. Now, Lu wonders if the events of 1980 happened as she remembers them. What details might have been withheld from her when she was a child?
The more she learns about the case, the more questions arise. What does it mean to be a man or woman of one’s times? Why do we ask our heroes of the past to conform to the present’s standards? Is that fair? Is it right? Propelled into the past, she discovers that the legal system, the bedrock of her entire life, does not have all the answers. Lu realizes that even if she could learn the whole truth, she probably wouldn’t want to.

Howard County is seeped in railroad history
Another alumni of Wilde Lake High School is actor Edward Norton - he is the grandson of the founder of Columbia, Maryland - a planned community. Does anyone famous hail from your town, county, and/or state? One randomly selected commenter wins a book choice from my covnention stash. Comments are open through Saturday, May 14, 10 pm in Baltimore. I'll post the winner on Sunday, May 15.
Kim in Baltimore
Aloha Spirit in Charm City
Check out Mary Gramlich's review of WILDE LAKE at this link.
Howard County offers green spaces
ReplyDeleteChris Isaac
Quite a few celebrities were born in my county including Gregory Peck, Cameron Diaz, and Robert Duvall. Annette Bening went to the same community college that I went to and Mark Hamill went to the same junior high that I went to.
ReplyDeleteNo one famous around here. That's kind of sad.
ReplyDeleteNone that at this moment can think of
ReplyDeleteThomas Edison lived in my hometown and his factory and first movie theater are still here. Half the members of The Four Seasons came from a nearby town and one lived a street over.
ReplyDeleteCarol L
Lucky4750 (at) aol (dot) com
I live in Las Vegas so there are quite a few famous people who performed here. But the one that I know of is Charisma Carpenter, the former 'Angel' and 'Buffy'actor attended Bishop Gorman High School in Las Vegas before moving to Mexico at 15.
ReplyDeleteThe ones I know from PA are Jeff Goldblum, Richard Gere, Kevin Bacon, Bradley Cooper, Tina Fey and Grace Kelly.
ReplyDeleteFrom my state? Well, since I live in Texas, there have been a lot of famous people from Texas. As far as the town I live in now? No famous people from here. :-)
ReplyDeleteMeryl Streep grew up in the town next to me (I saw her play Daisy Mae in L'il Abner when she was in high school - I was in grammer school). Lots of famous (& rich) people have lived in the area - Malcolm Forbes (from Forbes Magazine), John Delorean, Jackie Onassis, Mike Tyson, Whitney Houston. But mostly it's just us non-famous people who just live our regular lives.
ReplyDeleteCal Ripken, Jr grew up in my county. So did Kimmie Meissner.
ReplyDeleteI met Laura at an author luncheon almost a decade ago.
I live just outside the oldest town in Tennessee. Many historical figures came through here, and Davy Crockett was born about 7 miles from out house.
ReplyDeleteNo one famous here.
ReplyDeleteKaren T.